I gave up my writing some years ago even if I have a deep passion for both written roleplay and simply making stories of my own.

Your words brought back some thoughts for me on the process of restarting it all.

Thank you for the lovely works and for the introduction, I truly look forward to reading more of your work.

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Thanks so much for dropping by, Fia! I really hope you begin to write again, just purely for the creative satisfaction. By roleplay do you mean stuff like Dungeons and Dragons? My other half has just started to get into that and I love how expansive that universe can be!

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I just started with dungeons and dragons similar roleplay but I have done text-based story telling and roleplay for 15 years in games like World of Warcraft and during many years I earned money making background stories cohesive for other players and the like.

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First of all, rewriting a novel on your own doesn't seem weird to me. It seems like a great for a child to start believe they could also be a writer.

I also played around with photography when I was younger but then gave it up for other pursuits, including writing, only to come back to it six years ago when we became digital nomads. Now it's my favorite thing in the world.

And I loved this line: Creativity begets creativity.

It truly does. Looking forward to future newsletters!

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Michael, thanks so much for taking the time to comment on my post, it means a lot. I guess there is a correlation between the accessibility of photography and our renewed interest. I, for one, am eternally grateful for that. Sounds like you have the same appreciation of both writing and photography. Off to check out your Substack. Take care!

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Great stuff Verity, lovely images and writing. I look forward to part 2!

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