I'm by no means a professional photographer but for me much of the joy is simply the act of exploring and wandering and discovering something that may or may not be a wonderful picture. I'll take my photos, edit them, and share them around. Sometimes others comment on how well a picture came out and that is nice. But even without that, I feel like my photos are my own little treasures and even though 99% will never been by anyone, they still give me joy and almost everyone has a memory.

That's not something AI can ever do.

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The photos here are beautiful, Verity. Makes me miss home.

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Nothing more to add, the more I'm also pro photographer 😉 pic&text = fantastic article 🙂

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Didn’t realise that you had succumbed to the dreaded Covid. Wishing you well and still enjoying your Instas and Twitters, as well as your Substack musings. The Photos from Harris are stunning. One day...! All the best, Ray.

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This and your other writings are incredibly insightful and inspiring. Reading this has made me reflect on what my creativity means to me, something that is always shifting and never feels complete. Thank you for sharing your words and images, the creativity and artistry is bursting out of both :)

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I really enjoyed reading this Verity and your images are amazing. They transport me right back to that amazing beach with its wild beauty. For me the whole point of landscape photography is the experience, to explore, discover new places and connect with the natural world. It is this connection that I seek to convey to others through my images and AI is never going to do that.

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Well worth the wait. Stay healthy and keep smiling

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